Saturday, September 4, 2010


Women are fucking complicated. I'm so fucking tired of putting effort into trying to find a decent woman to be with that I'm about to say "Fuck 'em all" and make them show some fucking effort before I will even consider dating them.

I recently asked out two girls (a month apart) and they both answer me in the same way, which I believe was just a bullshit way of rejecting me. They answer with some form of "I'm seeing someone." I will humor that excuse for about a week, then I will call bullshit on them. A month or so ago, one girl gave me this answer and since she is still single, I sent her this message:

"So I noticed that you're still single. Has the guy you're seeing not asked you out yet?"

I have yet to receive a response yet and it has been 4 days since I sent that. I also got the same answer from another girl who is still single at this point. Once that week is up, I will be sending a similar message to her.

Seriously, I'm asking you out, but you're still single when you tell me this bullshit? Just tell me "NO!" That saves so much more time and frustration. It allows me to move on and find another girl to put effort into without being pissed off at the bullshit!

Another thought I had is that girls are afraid of hurting a guy's feelings. FUCK THAT SHIT! If you can't be real with me from the start, I don't really want anything to do with you.

No worries, though. I have someone in mind. I've actually been working on this woman for several months now and I feel like I've made pretty good progress. She doesn't know my feelings about her (at least, I haven't told her), but I have thought about asking her out recently since our friendship has gotten better and all that. I'm also worried that things might not go the way I planned and that we won't at least have that friendship that we've had recently. I'll see how things go and update as I feel like it. For the pursuit of happiness! :)

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