Friday, December 19, 2008

Something special

As opposed to "Someone special", this is about Something special: my scooter. Sure, I bought it used and it currently has a couple of minor issues, which I thought were fixed tonight. It's mine. And it's my newest friend. I'm not sure if I will be naming it like a friend of mine named hers. We'll see.

Okay, so I know I sound crazy. This is not a new concept for me, but I digress. Through some very kind suggestions from a friend, I just returned from a certain local scooter shop and was very pleased with every aspect of my service experience. Thank you, Alison, for your recommendation! (Oh and Collin says Hi!)

So, I had the headlight and brake-light replaced, along with the spark-plug boot, electric starter and horn, and had an oil change done. It cost a little bit of money, but it is worth it in the end. I also got a pair of protective glasses and a lock that locks onto the front disc brakes.

Here's one of the cool aspects of the whole deal: If I had procrastinated like I thought about doing, I would have had to go to another shop due to the fact that they are going on vacation for two weeks and won't be open again until January 5th. I called them at around 5:00 pm and they close at 6:00 pm. They asked me if I could come ASAP. No hesitation on my part.

So they took care of everything that I asked about and I got out to my scooter to get ready to go. I put the key into the ignition and noticed that the plastic piece around the key hole is loose. Apparently it was glued on before and stopped adhering to the surface. Anyway, the guy replaced that one and the second one eventually popped off too. I'll probably procrastinate in getting that part fixed.

Also, I noticed that the right headlight works all the time, but now the left one doesn't work. It was the other way before I had them replace the headlight. And the lights are supposed to work at ALL times, but the right one burned out (low-beam) as I was riding down the road on my way home. I switched it to high-beam to get it to shine some light forward. This is something that is making me a little nervous. I'll have to take it to another shop or just replace the bulbs myself if it's simply a problem with the bulbs. If not, it may be an electrical problem within.

However, despite these two issues, all seem to be working as expected. I'll go fill up on gas soon, which will just about drain... my... change jar? Hahaha. Yeah, it'll be pretty cheap to fill it up, so I'm not concerned with that. Despite the obvious pros of riding a scooter, it can still be dangerous to ride one, especially in a college town as this one. Trust me when I say that I will not ride the scooter with just flip-flops, shorts, no helmet (or any combination of these three).

If I get the chance to borrow a camera or get one of my own, I will be able to take pictures and post them for you to see. One thing I have to note about the scooter is that it says the following in big letters on the scooter: "VIP"... So make sure to honk at the VIP when you see me! Lol.



  1. A thought about the headlights - perhaps the wattage is too high and causing a fuse to blow? I'm not sure how that works with scooters, I wouldn't even begin to know where to look for a fuse box.

    I'm glad NS4L could help you out.

    I'll keep my eyes out for the VIP on the road.

    Be safe.

  2. Yeah. I don't think there are many scooters that look like mine (but I haven't really noticed much). It's a blue and white scooter that has "VIP" on the side. Kinda hard to miss.
